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Weather Station: The early years!

A few years back, I started on this weather station project while at the Tokyo HackerSpace (in our FIRST location). I had grand ideas for the project, but also knew I would likely have a few failures and re-designs. In my assessment, most of the sensors would be easy. Most of the sensors are 'digita' in nature, have no mechanical parts, and I have used on their own several times. The only challenge would be integrating them all in software, and building a suitable case for everything.

How NOT to layout a PCB!

You may remember in my last post about the bill acceptor project that I had made a preliminary pin count and started assigning functions to the various Arduino pins.

The next step was to input the schematic to Eagle and start laying out the pcb. Capturing the schematic was no problem, and went rather quickly, but I soon discovered that in my hast I had not considered a lot of layout issues that would only become apparent in the board layout.

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